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Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Retail Blues

The above image and the one to the left is our bead store in Morton Grove. We left the Chicago store on Gunnison and Nagle to Morton Grove. The beading birthday parties were so much fun. The happy faces on those little kids.

The image on the left and below is our store on Belmont, back to Chicago :)

Due to the lousy economy, and my health going from bad to worst, we decided to close up shop. The worst part of all is missing all of our beading friends, especially our Tuesday Beading Nights. I will always remember and be thankful for meeting Jean, Bob, Dawn, Michelle, Janet, Carol and Peggy. They truly made Tuesday nights fun and special.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The beginning of our Journey

My very first store! This is where the journey started. In this picture, you will see my Mom, little sister and me. This shop sure brings lots of fun memories. I met some of the best customers and made a few friends. I miss the most the beading nights, children parties, the workshops but above all my friends who became part of my family.

Having a shop is not easy. Everyone really thinks that it is a piece of cake or a walk in the park. You are working day and night. Thinking of the next promotion, or preparing for the next party. Your mind is never at ease. I was not alone, my husband worked with me and together we made it work. 

We taught many customers new to beading how to make lovely necklaces and or bracelets, not to mention the many earrings that we made and sold.

The hardest part of leaving this location was saying goodbye.  But we didn't stop here!